I have successfully performed in the past the purification of IPTG-induced proteins from 200-500 mL cultures, following a rather standard approach, which I summarized as follows:
- The E. coli strain we are using is BL21(DE3).
- We tried at least two different colonies per clone.
- Two OD600 (0.5 and 0.7).
- 5 IPTG concentrations (0.1, 0.2, 0.35, 0.5, 0.75 mM).
- Over-day (1.5, 3, 5 hours at 37°C) or Over-night (16 hours at 27°C).
- Lysing the cells (lysozyme, DNase) and loading on a polyacrilamyde gel; Comassie staining follows. Western blot verification is run in parallel.
I have always performed these steps in small volume pre-cultures (5 mL) and it worked just fine when scaling up to larger volumes.
The protein I am trying to express now is proving to be a challenge, though. When I scale up from 5 mL (in standard glass tubes) to 200 mL (in 1 L glass bottles) I lose every single bit of protein, as if it were not induced at all. Apparently, the only parameter that changes is the volume of the culture. We have tried to scale up gradually and we still get it from 10 and 20 mL cultures. We are currently testing 50 and 100 mL.
Now, although on the one hand this is not a real issue (we have collected multiple 5-10 mL cultures for purification), I am curious to know whether somebody experienced the same and has an explanation for that.
Thanks a lot in advance.