According to my raman spectra I am not really sure what the two peaks demonstrate and here graphene oxide is reduced by sodium borohydride. I appreciate if somebody can give me a hint.
Graphene powder vibrational modes spectrum is shown in (Figure 8). The G band originates from in-plane vibration of sp2 carbon atoms and is a doubly degenerate (TO and LO) phonon mode (E2g symmetry) at the Brillouin zone center. One common application for the G-band is to aid in determination of graphene layer thickness. Figure 7 demonstrates the effect that layer thickness has on the position of the G-band. As the layer thickness increases, the band position shifts to lower energy representing a slight softening of the bonds as the layer thickness increases. G-band of graphene flakes in Raman spectrum of our prepared graphene powder shows a peak located at 1602 cm−1 which confirm that this product is composed of a few layered graphene. The 2D band originates from a two phonon double resonance Raman process and provides confirmation that our prepared graphene is few layered. Finally the D band at 1308 cm−1 may be attributed to defects in the graphene nanosheets or their agglomeration. The ratio of the G band to D band intensity can be related to the in-plane crystallite size (La) [11] . The in-plane crystallite size calculated by using the relationship given in Ref. [12] , La (nm) = 4.4 (ID/IG) gives about 2.15 nm.
Source: Article Synthesis and Characterization of Mass Produced High Quality...
Simple answer is you need to do literature survey. Generally, those peaks are D and G. However, 1st order Raman spectra is oxygen-concentration sensitive. Hence, it can be deconvoluted by four lorentzian peak and their intensity ratio has a impact by the oxygen concentration. I can remember two articles on this context are
A Raman spectroscopic investigation of graphite oxide derived graphene, AIP Adv., 2 (2012) 032183
The Importance of Interbands on the Interpretation of the Raman Spectrum of Graphene Oxide, J. Phys. Chem. C, 119 (2015) 10123-10129
However, out of those peaks, the peak at 1120 cm-1 can be assigned as D"
Raman spectroscopy as a versatile tool for studying the properties of graphene, Nat. Nanotechnol., 8 (2013) 235-246
Influence of substrate on nucleation and growth of vertical graphene nanosheets, Appl. Surf. Sci., 349 (2015) 576-581