I Don't think That because the biggest country of population (China) eating insects as a food, In regard to your first part of question ( food crisis prediction) we have an other options like plant.
Many Insects are highly proteinous ! And so forms part of delicacies of people around the world, excluding the poisonous insects. I am not saying that the resorting to eating of insects is a panacea to ameliorating the severe effects of food crisis, No! But forms part of a healthy diet of some culture. One shouldn't forget that the so called honey bees, sometimes with its debris are gladly consumed globally.
Since 2003, FAO has been working on topics pertaining to edible insects in many countries worldwide. FAO’s contributions cover the following thematic areas:
the generation and sharing of knowledge through publications, expert meetings and a web portal on edible insects;
awareness-raising on the role of insects through media collaboration (e.g. newspapers, magazines and TV);
the provision of support to member countries through field projects (e.g. the Laos Technical Cooperation Project);
networking and multidisciplinary interactions (e.g. stakeholders working with nutrition, feed and legislation-related issues) with various sectors within and outside FAO .
Insects are in many respects a valuable alternative source of food for humans. Regarding the nutritional values insects provide high quality proteins, fatty acids, and micronutrients. They can be produced with a lower demand for water, energy and land than conventional meat and their production emits less greenhouse gases and ammonia. They have a high fecundity and are very efficient in converting feed into body mass. The potential to produce a high amount of protein and calories occupying only little space could reduce the pressure on land we face today. More land could be used for the production of other types of human food, e.g. grain. Nevertheless, there are some issues that should be addressed in order to establish insect protein for human nutrition at large-scale in Western countries. Automated rearing technologies and decontamination methods must be developed to ensure food safety and decrease the price of production. Although organizations like the FAO recognized the potential of insects for human nutrition and promote their consumption, the future development is yet unclear. Consumer acceptance in Western countries is still very low, but this might change, as it did for example with sushi .
This depend on religious ,some people consider it as a good thing ,others reject this idea completely ,furthermore there are many alternative choices we can did to face the increasing demands for food.
Yes, I agree with the idea of enrichment of food with high quality protein and fats from insects. But it should be clearly stated on the product label, so the consumer can choose whether to buy such a product or not.
Many people in the world are already taking insects as food. But if such practice become widespread, then the particular species of insects are to be cultivated, otherwise environmental balance may be lost.