GENERAL DISCUSSION : ALL can keep "playing a game" AS their lives, but that will NOT work; our absolute BEST PROBABLY WILL NOT work (in my view) -- for survival of the species, the ultimate criteria. What does doing our best look like? :

[ I am childless. I have absolutely NO PERSONAL REASON TO CARE ABOUT YOU -- I guess it is, in good part, for "sound logic"'s sake -- we can DO with that IFF [ (two "f"s are not a typo) ] we actually DO with THAT. Be an animal, forget any and all religion. (I am, by the way, a Theravada Buddhist -- an atheist, believing IN NO supernatural at all ; we have enough to do with the natural, the actual actual. We very much must be concerned with, as-much(and well)-as-possible, educating ourselF (as much as we can)(all of us, doing this) . BUT, do it in a NO-SELF WAY (to have no clutter) in YOUR [own] way, i.e. to not falsely "connect" to YOU (your own "self") in any way not necessary (or, if you must, (as you may have to) : temporarily) (AND expel any processing where you are BELIEVING something, via essentially NOTHING or nothing clear) Don't be clingy; and verify ALL YOU CAN, for yourselF (and others), and thereby come to something closer to reality [(as much as we can)], reality (or realities, if you like [(but now all at one time)]) as it really is -- this is a WAY (i.e. cross-contexts), it does not come automatically. But, it is as simple as it need be. Good luck. (For a bit more guidance, see .) I have NOT BEEN PAID AT ALL for half a life (the latter (later?) half ); there is really no reason not to trust me, unless you're very confused and/or [must] see me as insane.. I have no vested interest(s) (in any conventional sense) AT ALL (we all do have some interests).

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