02 February 2012 15 8K Report

In purge-and-trap GC/MS: Using a standard 20 mL headspace vial (glass, Sil/PTFE crimp cap) for the low bp (-128°C) volatile compound CF4 the peak I obtain at the corresponding retention time has the characteristic masses 50 and 69 as expected. Now I add the same standard in equal or higher amounts to an 80 mL vessel (steel, viton seal and sil/PTFE headspace crimp caps) I suddenly get a peak at the good retention time for CF4 but the masses have changed to a weired gauß-kind of distribution over m/Z 55-69 with highest mass at 65. The blank from the same container shows no peak. What could possibly be a reason for that. I expect it to be a chromatographic or detection problem - or what kind of errors can I make in handling??? I welcome any suggestion very much!

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