An analysis of the optics of 5W2H (English) or 6Q1CU (Latin).

Most people don't know, but the first to use this "quality tool" were the Romans, who included another letter Q, Quibus aoxiliis, so important, that it is equivalent to the R for Resources. See, in Brazilian Portuguese my book Total Quality: a Brasilian Vision

Quid - 1W - What: What should be done?

Quis - 2W - Who: Who is responsible for doing it?

Cur - 3W - Why: Why should it be done, or what benefit will it bring?

Ubi - 4W - Where: Where will it be done, or where will it be done?

Quando - 5W - When: When should it be done, or what is the schedule?

Quomodo - 1H - How: How will it be done, or what method will be used?

Quantum - 2H - How Much: How much does it cost to make?

Quibus aoxiliis – 1R – Resources: Of all kinds.

The press reports that 500km of tunnels have been built in Gaza. Assuming that on average the tunnels are 2m high by 1m wide, it means that the moving area inside the tunnels is 2m2, that is, 2 x 500,000 = 1,000,000m3 of earth has been removed and thrown somewhere. (Where)

Suppose that the concrete structure that covers the tunnels is 20 cm thick, two side walls of 2m high and one in the ceiling of 1m of compliments. This totals 5m x 0.20m = 1.0m2 multiplied by 500,000 equals 500,000m3 of concrete.

In addition, all the lighting, wiring, air ducts, etc...

How do you interpret, from an engineering point of view, 5W2H (6Q1CU) for this situation?

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