I am trying to clone full length integrin alphaIIb and have ordered primers from a publication. The forward primer binds about 20 bp upstream from the ATG and the reverse primer binds just after the stop codon, the gene is 3200 bp long. I have tried numerous different polymerases, increasing and decreasing the annealing temps, added various amounts of DMSO and tried Taq polymerase from Qiagen with the addition of Solution Q that I find amplifies any difficult product. So far I haven't even got a smear or hint of a PCR product. Obviously my extension time is long enough for a 3000 bp product and in theory that is not too long for PCR. I have other internal detection primers for sequencing and mRNA detection as follows: For 748, For 2200, Rev 2400 and Rev 2900. ALL combinations of forward and reverse primer (including the one that binds after the stop codon) work EXCLUDING the forward one that binds at -20 bp from start codon. I have ordered 2 further forward primers that bind 13 bp upstream of the ATG and one that bands at the ATG but still no product.

I have tried heat denaturing for longer before the PCR in case GC rich repeats, etc at the 5' end but that also didn't work. The gene number is NM000419.3. The first 300 bp is about 65%GC, so quite high but not that it should give absolutely no product - any other suggestions welcome.

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