There is a positive correlation between them. Different studies show this, however there are some important differences in the tratement, mainly report age and gender. Different factors will can influence your choice to the best method. In any way, look the papers that I sent to you.
Primary OA has been linked to obesity. Felson et al, 1992 reported that women who had weight loss of about 5kg had 50% reduction in the risk of developing knee OA. Studies by Messier et al, 2004 and Christensen et al, 2007 have also shown that weight-loss interventions produced decreased pain and disability in patients with established knee OA. Obesity actually causes overloading of the hip and knee joints
OA is not mainly aging process as it was obeserved for young patient such as dancers.
Different studies have shown that OA is a multifactordisease: Aging, genetics, obesity and traumatic injuries were identified as potential causes as well as abnormal joint morphologies. Moreover extreme movements can lead to OA.
I take that body composition has the meaning of how the body "looks" or about "materials the body is made from". Also the loads that are transferred through the joints play their role.
Any appearance outside the average body form considering all body measurements can create the grounds for OA presentation. On top of this any lack of some composites within the body due to metabolic or not problems can result to degeneration. Intra-articular injuries lead to OA.
As examples someone can mention for the first category High BMI and for the second category Collagen changes. A deformed joint or axis of a bone can result to overloading and creation of OA.
Someone has to analyse and categorise different "pathologies" to find the whole catalogue of reasons that result to degeneration of a joint.