Male 59yo, BMI: 24, no risk factor (smoke, alcool), nothing in personal medical history, biker.
3x3cm righy parotid mass growing in the last 4 months, not painful, no facial nerve deficit.
Citology --> non-resolving, not atypical cells
External parotidectomy --> one intra parotid lymph node with squamous cell carcinoma metastases , ECE+. No sign of malignancy in the glandular parenchyma.
NBI endoscopy of the URT --> negative
PET-CT scan --> negative
HPV, EBV on the node --> negative
Dermatology consult/Skin observation (bald patient) --> negative
How to manage?
A) Follow up
B) Total parotidectomy
C) Total parotidectomy + RT on parotid gland
D) Total parotidectomy + RT on parotid gland and neck
E) Total parotidectomy + RT on parotid gland + CT
F) Total parotidectomy + RT on parotid gland and neck + CT
G)Total parotidectomy + ND
H)Total parotidectomy + ND + RT
I)Total parotidectomy + ND + RT/CT
L) RT on parotid gland
M) RT on parotid gland and neck
N) RT on parotid gland + CT
O) RT on parotid gland and neck + CT
P) ND only
Q) ND + RT on parotid gland