I did a combustion simulation using the species transport model in my PC where Ansys 2020R2 is installed. I used a Chemkin mechanism and Chemkin-CFD solver for the chemistry part. The simulation went pretty well and I got a satisfactory result.
When I tried to do the same in batch mode on an HPC where Ansys 19.2 is installed, I found the continuity starts diverging right after the simulation started, and the simulation stops after a few iterations.
I prepared my journal file as follows:
The initialization part is done on my desktop PC. After that, I run the simulation (steady) for 10 iterations. Then, I write the case&data file. In the journal file, the case and data files are read first. Then, I set a new iteration number (100). Next, I write the new data file.
N.B: Before doing so, I tried a very simple fluid flow problem on both my local PC and HPC. The results looked nearly the same in that case.