I performed restriction double digestion of my plasmid with ECORV-HF and PacI with the fallowing reaction protocol : (Source : NEB Cloner)
Total 50 µl REACTION
1) DNA = 1 µg
2) 10X rCutSmart Buffer = 5 µl (1X)
3) EcoRV-HF = 1.0 µl (20 units)†
4) PacI = 1.0 µl (10 units)†
5) Nuclease-free Water = Make upto 50 µl
After incubating at 37 0C for overnight (12-14 hr’s) and running on 1% Agarose gel. I got 2 bands at their corresponding size, But one of the band is very faint, I’ld like to know what should I do so that I can see a clear band.
Should I :
1. Increase the incubation time to 24 hr’s.
2. Decrease the DNA amount.
3. Increase the Enzyme Amount.
I'm attaching the Pic of Agarose gel.