Hi, I am running excitation-emission fluorescence spectra (on algal samples) and I want to use the EEM R package to visualize and analyze the data. However, this package only supports data files coming from the following instruments:
Hitachi Hi-tech F-7000
Shimadzu RF-6000
Horiba Aqualog
I am using TECAN.
Can anyone send me a data file = .csv, .txt or .xlsx output of a 3D excitation-emission spectrum measurement from any of the above instruments so, that I can adjust my dataset to one of the supported formats? I tried to do it following the EEM manual (https://github.com/chengvt/EEM/blob/master/vignettes/file-io.md#intro) but I can' t make it work. It needs to have certain keywords in certain positions of the file as well as the correct position of the excitation and emission information.