Ancient Greek civilization gave the world a lot of excellent philosophers, whose concepts interwoven with invaluable thoughts about education.

(384-322 BC) raised the mentor to the highest level in society: He created the Likey educational institution in Athens, which he supervised over twelve years. The writings written by him during these years were summaries of conversations that the philosopher conducted with his students in Likey. A. believed that man possesses both a vegetable soul (it needs nutrition and is doomed to decomposition), an animal soul (feelings, sensations) and a rational soul - pure, ethereal, universal and immortal. Therefore, in matters of upbringing, he did not prioritize concern for the afterlife immortal being and insisted on taking equal care of all three types of the human soul.

The most systematic views of Aristotle on upbringing and education are set forth in the treatise Politics.

Considering the eternal problem of the relationship between social and biological determinants in education, Aristotle took a flexible position. He believed that on the one hand, "only good offspring can come from good parents," and on the other, "nature often strives for this, but cannot achieve this."

So nowadays is it actual ? or we must up bring students in high education system ?

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