I think, as the first matter, you may define economic dependency in more details. Economic dependency to which variable can show you the required indicator for your model. For instance, in the case of oil-exporting nations, oil dependency (economic dependency to oil) may be considered.
There are some variables that show you economic dependency. One of them is the total trade as a percentage of GDP ((Exp + Imp) / GDP). It shows you trade dependency, for example. Another one could be Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). Also, in some Central and South America Countries, remittance inflows are very important too.
I agree that more precision is necesary, but important variable is total debt in % of GDP, another is how many months of imports can you pay with federal reseves... if more precision is added there can be more...
I agree with prevoius author, mportant thing is wto request about payment balance, and another thing is creating global value chains. I mean critical import for these chains.
There are economic dependence and economic security. Economic dependence occurs when a country is forced to apply for foreign currency such as US dollar.Economic security is possible to calculate the percentages on trade, food and other sectors of the economy.
Today, in a globalized world, almost every country depends on imports. This is economic dependence. Trade takes place when import is cheaper than domestic production.
We can also consider physical dependence on imports. Only very large countries (like USA, Russia, China) can have all raw materials and (in principle) produce all what they need. I know that Japan considers strategic independence on food and produces rice domestically although it is much cheaper to import. Such considerations are also important in the environment of embargo and military conflicts.
Есть экономическая зависимость и экономическая безопасность. Экономическая зависимость возникает, когда страна вынуждена обращаться за иностранной валютой, такой как доллар США.Экономическую безопасность можно рассчитать в виде процентов по торговле, производства продовольствия и других отраслей экономики.
6d ago
Экономической зависимости от импорта. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/post/economic_dependency_to_Import#view=592be4e74048544d1037647b [accessed May 30, 2017].