I am currently attempting to do a double-label stain for Phosopho-S6 protein and Vasotocin in zebrafish brains. I have been able to get each antibody to work properly independently, but the problem that has arisen is that the anti-vasotocin antibody only works in tissue that has been post-fixed for 24h in 4% paraformaldehyde. Conversely, the anti-PS6 antibody only works in unfixed tissue that is fixed on the slide for 15 minutes before staining.

I've tried to find a midway point between fixation lengths, but even after 1h of fixation on the slide the PS6 staining is almost completely invisible to the naked eye, only visible in images with an incredibly long exposure. Even after 2h fixation there is still no vasotocin staining at all.

Do you know of any workarounds for specific fixation lengths, or a way to combat this? I'm worried the closest I can get will be to take 2 series and fix one for 24h on the slide and just do single-label stains, but a double-label stain is quite necessary for the present study.

The antibodies being used are Cell Signalling Technology Phospho-S6 ribosomal protein antibody (ser235/236) at 1:600 with 1:500 secondary dilution, and a Santa Cruz anti-vasotocin antibody at 1:2,000 with 1:500 secondary.

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