01 January 1970 0 400 Report

Nature is self regulating the ecosystems, whether human or others .when it disturbed by some anthropogenic or natural stimulus, a change or disposition occurs. Which does not fulfill the previous gap abruptly but takes time. For example if a species of the same genera dies in equatic or terristrial ecosystem, it becomes food of bacteria and other organisms and the same other live species may or may not be react or behave in the particular system like the mortal one.though the species are the same here but it depends on their reaction to the system. For example the orginisim which has died may be stronger in its immunity than the other or if we take the phenomenon the other way around.Thus such changes may be positive or negative can contaminate pollute the entire ecosystem. Let say it is a source of food for other organisms but on the other hand the mortality of an organisms may make slower the pace and regulative process of food chain this way. It may contaminate our food chain via water. And water is the major part of all living things including human beings and I can estimate that if not completely at least half of the role played by quality of water in any disease occurance in any ecosystem.willingly/unwantedly and direct or indirectly human is responsible for all disturbances in our ecosystems.

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