I am struggling right now with my one-step qPCR for my two GOIs. They seem to amplify at a very high CT, and this leads to an impossibility in getting a decent standard curve. At full concentration of my RNA I can see clearly that there is some inhibition taking place (full concentration CT is higher than 5x diluted). So normally you could just dilute the RNA down more, but I'm already at a CT of 30, so any more dilutions I make puts me in the "not trustworthy" range. So I was curious if doing 20ul reactions would make any difference vs the 10ul reactions I have been doing? It seems like it would dilute the RNA, and any inhibitor that might be acting, and also adding reproducibility, and increased detection at lower CTs? Or am I just dreaming?

I am using a Bio-Rad iQ Cycler machine, with SYBR green one-step mix BTW.

Thanks, you guys have been quite helpful thus far.

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