Actually the maximum permissible limit for heavy metals in fresh water is related to water use as well as to ecological systems. So the maximum permissible limit for heavy metals in fresh water will differ if the water will use for livestock than the limit if the water will use for other purpose (like irrigation). this is because that the high level of heavy metals will be toxic for livestock. I think textbooks of water chemistry or geochemistry will include such topic in more detail.
The guidelines are different by countries. Your enlisted types of waters are not really different from metal contamination perspective (all of them are surface waters, and 'fresh waters'). For households there are usually no limits for releasing any type of liquid to the drain. For industry the guidelines depend on the type and the volume, sometimes the companies need to apply treatment (e.g. oil traps) or monitor (samples or continuous) and have a safety storage, sometimes not.
From the waste water treatment plants you always have limits, and those limits are the same for all fresh water. Some countries allow risk assessment to alter from these limits, others have never checked the polluters.