in FASP (Filter assisted sample preperation) prosedure, the enzyme to protein ratio needed for digestion of a protein sample is 1:100, if it is used over -use trypsin, what kind of problem can be faced?
If trypsin is used at higher concentration it becomes less specific and tends to cut polypeptides anywhere (it's the same for just any other protease). So tryptic digest analysis becomes more difficult.
Liger,Sorry it is not TPCK, it is TLCK, on the paper called proteomic analysis of Exosomes from Human Neural Stem Cells by flow fractionation and NanoFlow Liquid chromotography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry by Dukjin, on the sample preperation,TLCK (tosyl-L- lysyl-chloromethane ketone has been added to stop digestion at a 10:1 molar ratio of TLCK : Trypsin attached the paper
The possible effect of TLCK would be on tryptic peptide detection/quantification not on protein expression which occurs upstream FASP technique. To answer your question : I don't know but if the addition of TLCK is meant to reverse the effect of too much trypsin it is useless because TLCK won't prevent the excess of trypsin to cut polypeptide anywhere else than at trypsine sites.
Hello all, I have a similar question about the trypsin concentration. In my results, I can only detected trypsin but nothing else. Do you think if it is because the concentration of trypsin is too high or some other problems. Thanks very much!