Does anybody have a dataset from a posture intervention that would allow for a correlation coefficient to be calculated between change in posture and change in pain? Particularly interested in forward-head posture and tension-type headaches.
An anatomically adequate posture and, when walking - for example - that follows the axis of natural isometric and idiosyncratic ambulation is obviously good and advisable; but beware! because on many occasions we take unnatural and unhealthy "ANTIALGICAL POSITIONS" to sit or walk, which "seem" to relieve pain ... but, in the long run, "THE REMEDY IS WORSE THAN THE DISEASE", since unless natural, end up generating more pain and disability.
Francisco Javier Gala but are there any intervention studies that specifically look at the correlation between improved posture (however they choose to define it) and change in pain?
And it is; Eliminate the unhealthy "anti-allergic" postures described and / or learn to be ergonomic when eating, writing, using the computer, etc. and to walk correctly, it is sufficiently evidenced that it prevents and alleviates pain "ad hoc".
Here I attach a series of References on the subject:
Pope MH, Bevins T, Wilder DG, Frymoyer JW. The relationship between anthropometric, postural, muscular, and mobility characteristics of males ages 18-55. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 1985 Sep;10(7):644-8. PubMed PMID: 4071274.
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Smith A, O'Sullivan P, Straker L. Classification of sagital thoraco-lumbo-pelvic alignment of the adolescent spine in standing and its relationship to low back pain. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2008 Sep 1;33(19):2101-7. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0b013e31817ec3b0. PubMed PMID: 18758367.
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Here, above I attach a new series of References on the subject, in relation to the Thesis: "POSTURAL HYGIENE AND PREVENTION OF BACK PAIN IN SCHOOLS. AMADO MERCHÁN, ÁLVARO
Francisco Javier Gala I agree with the premise and findings of these studies that postural education can be preventative, but there appear to be no studies of people with spine pain that show the improvement in posture is the CAUSE of improvement in pain, not just that a correlation exists.
A larger 2016 study of 1100 Australian teenagers showed that there was no correlation — none at all — between their neck posture and neck pain, contrary to all the fear-mongering we’ve heard about “text neck” in the last couple years. A similar 2018 study of Brazilian youths came to the same conclusion. For balance, I’ll acknowledge there are studies that say otherwise … but mostly just crappy studies in my opinion, and regardless they do not remotely prove that abnormal curvature actually causes pain.
The correlation between posture and pain results from an inversion of the parameters of the patients' observation. To alleviate pain, patients will adopt a position that is as analgesic as possible, which will have an impact on their posture. When we see this, the common mistake is to attribute the cause of the pain to the posture rather than the effect. This is a result of my daily practice. However, it seems to me that there are publications on analgesic postures:
However, they don't show much.
I hope this helps you
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Hi! We did a couple of small studies with Alexander technique and exercise interventions for neck pain in my lab (Becker et al, 2018; 2021). In all groups, pain improved and posture changed, but there was no correlation between the two. However, decrease in pain was associated with decreased surface neck muscle fatigue in both Alexander groups. I think a problem with posture is not that it doesn't matter, but that the aspects that do matter are hard to measure. Also, there's no universal ideal. We know that forward head posture adds biomechanical loading to the spine, but pulling the head back may also cause problems. And what about scrunching it down? To further complicate matters, Anita Vasavada has shown that there is a low correlation between posture as assessed from the outside and what you can see on an xray. I'm happy to discuss this further. Monika Gross has also thought about this a lot.