Dear Catherine Delgoulet.. Greetings.........considering measurement of effectiveness in training, one of the models that are applied other than $-Level model is Kaufman’s 5 Levels of Evaluation....Kaufman’s 5 Levels model is very close to 4-level model of Kirkpatrick. it is based on the Kirkpatrick approach. the levels are
1. Input and Process: a. Enabling and b. Reaction.
2. Acquisition:
4. Organization Output:
5. Societal Outcomes:
the level 5 or societal outcome might be applicable well in vocational training as different aspects socio-cultural or economics are involved with that. hope you will find it helpful. Regards..Chowdhury.
Kirkpatrick's dimensions are still the norm for most educational programs, I think. This is a safe bet either way. In addition, though, you could also consider certain training outcomes that are more psychological/"soft" in nature and which fit your training design. For example, I have designed and empirically tested two intervention studies aiming to enhance career competencies among young workers, and to help them find employment and become employable. For such interventions, it makes sense to actually assess their career competencies and employability before and after in order to accurately assess desired outcomes. In addition, we also asssess whether they found a job to have some more objective outcomes as well. Perhaps such an approach would be helpful to you?