I am using an Abcam (ab20066) anti-D1 antibody as well as a Millipore (AB5084P) anti-D2 antibody for Western blotting of PFC and striatum membrane fraction homogenates. Unfortunately, there is a lot of non-specific binding. Particularly frustrating is a doublet right around the 50 kD mark in the D1 ab (which is the region of interest). The Abcam rep suggested that the lower band is probably D1 while the upper band might represent a post-translational modification (acetylation was mentioned). This idea really intrigues me and I'd like to explore it further. My idea was to run a gel with purified receptor and acetylated receptor and compare the migration rate to what I'm seeing in my homogenates. Problem is, I can't seem to locate any purified D1 receptor (although, I have found a purveyor of recombinant D2r).

Does anyone have any other ideas as to how I could go about characterizing my bands and/or post-translational modifications of my receptors of interest?

Further, does anyone know anything about dopamine receptor acetylation (i.e. function). My PubMed searches have been fruitless thus far.

Many thanks!

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