Dear academics and researchers,

Do any of you know what has happened to the International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology (IJAST), since it lost its SCOPUS indexing a few months or so ago?

At the end of April (2020), IJAST, which appears to have two publishers, NADIA and SERSC, emailed me to say that my paper on Quantum Field Theory had passed the peer-review process and was now accepted for publication. However, I responded to them, during early May, to ask them about some corrections that I wanted to make, along with questions I had about the mixed messages regarding publication fees that I received in that initial email contact, but they never responded. I then continued to email them a number of times, fully expecting some kind of response regarding the corrections and, nearly four months down the line, I have still not had one single response. Consequently, I am now worried that my article will never ever see the light of day, and neither Elsevier and SCOPUS can help me because they stopped indexing IJAST round about the time I submitted my manuscript to them (or possibly just before).

Does anyone know what is going on and what can I do? Please respond with any help or advice on this matter.

Kind regards,

Stephen Mason

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