My model is as followes:

DV = Wage

IV = Educational level (master vs. doctor)

Moderator = Gender

Interaction = Gender * Educational level

Control variables (covariates):

- Age (scale)

- Supervisor responsibilities (0=yes/1=no)

- Job category (5 categories --> created dummies)

- Full/parttime (0=full time / 1 = part time)

- Contract (0 = permanent / 1 = temporary)

- Marital status (0 = single / 1 = married)

- Children (scale)

If I try do this with the Hayes process method v3.5 in SPSS it doesn't seem to work. It does work if I delete the 'job category' variables and it's 5 dummies, does that mean I only need to include the 'job category' variable and not the dummies?

I get the message "a linear or near linear dependence (singularity) exists in the data" and I don't know how to make it work.

I basically want to figure out if there is a wage gap (women vs. men) and if the wage gap is higher/lower for masters vs. doctors. I will make a model with and without control variables to see how much influence they have on the wage gap.


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