01 January 2015 7 7K Report

For my study, I monitored temperatures in nests (used habitat) and randomly selected points (unused habitat) using data loggers. Temperatures were taken every hour from July 1st to September 9th. I am interested in how temperatures in used nesting habitat differ from temperatures in unused habitat, and whether this relationship is dependent on month.

To better explain the statistical design, here are my variables:

response: temperature (degrees Celsius)

between-subjects factor: Nest or Random 

within-subjects factor: month (7=July, 8=August, 9=September)

repeated measures factor: data logger identity; the within-subjects factor is nested within this factor.

Model as I understand it, in R modelling code for package nlme or lme4: Temperature = NestorRandom * Month + Month|LoggerIdentity

I coded data logger identity as a repeated measures factor as there may be variability in logged temperatures between devices.

Any advice/suggestions/critiques?

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