You can probably add in H2O2 disinfection BEFORE the EtOH. Not sure it will be enough but do not see many options, unless you have a gamma radiation facility...
Parafilm is ideal for the scientific laboratory because it is a thermoplastic, self-sealing film. It holds moisture loss to a minimum. It offers excellent protection for the contents of tubes, flasks, and petri dishes. The unique properties of the film enable it to cling around even irregular shapes and convoluted surfaces. Parafilm M can be stretched 3-4 times its original length before breaking.
Parafilm M makes the perfectly hydrophobic surface for transferring small amounts of reagent to a TEM grid. Dispense a single drop of reagent onto the Parafilm surface, it will form a nice non-spreading "bead" against which a grid can be "touched" to the liquid, picking up a controlled amount of liquid by the grid. Especially useful where expensive reagents are involved. Can also be used for picking up floating grids and films firm liquid surfaces.
Parafilm M makes a superior bandage cover in drainage cases. It is useful in all hospital laboratories and medical stocking areas. It is ideal when used as a tray and shelf liner to prevent slippage and breakage of bottles, containers, and instruments.
Parafilm M can be sterilized using either radiation techniques or hydrogen peroxide. Parafilm is not considered a sterile product in its as received state.