I agree with Artur. You're running into the same freeze-thaw issue that you would with any protein. Commercial polymerases are typically in glycerol which keep them liquid at -20°C, but definitely not at -80°C.
I would subaliquot the next time it's taken out of the -80°C for use into much smaller working volumes. Then when needed, you could just thaw the smaller volume and keep in a regular refrigerator where it would probably be stable for a week or two at least.
Just make tiny alliquots of 5ul or so (whatever is suitable for your use) in PCR tubes. Throw them into a box, lable the box and only thaw them once-the time you use it.
Thank you all for your answers to my question. I appreciate your generosity with time and advice. I will do as you have told and keep the Taq in a regular freezer.
Thank you once again for your useful comments........I will keep these mind when I use Taq polymerase.........
Ruwanthi, Hope you are enjoying your Ph.D. at University of Melbourne......I had a really nice time during my Ph.D. at Melbourne Uni - people were so helpful !
Like Mr. Artur said, repeated freeze-thaw can lower the quality of polymerase. I suggest you to store it at -20 degree C if you want to use it on daily basis