
I'm using qiagene kit to extract my plasmids DNA and recently I encountered problems to purify a lentivirus backbone plasmid (pMDLg/pRRE 8895 bp , Addgene=12251) from maxiprep.

I had no problems with miniprep. After I inoculated miniprep bacteria into big flask for large prep, bacteria grew well, every step looked fine but when I run DNA gel I found that there was only one band for uncut plasmid (looked like being linearized, but i did not add in any enzyme!) and there was smear in digested plasmid lane. To test whether my maxiprep kit is working or not, I have done maxiprep for another plasmid (pRSV-Rev 4174bp,pMD2.G 5824 bp) concurrently and it was alright for digestion of this plasmid after maxiprep, which means nothing went wrong in my maxiprep. I cannot figure out what the

problem is. I used same antibiotics (ampicilin), same LB, same maxiprep kit to prepare both constructs but I failed to produce the larger, lower yield plasmid. It is important to highlight that I have ever used the same kit to produce the lentivirus backbone plasmid for 3-4 times, I just encountered the problem of maxiprep in recent one month. So what makes my large prep plasmid being linearized/degraded during maxiprep? I have tried to pick more colonies from my amp plate and cultured with LB in small volume for miniprep and all clones are positive. I cannot understand why it cannot be purified with maxiprep kit? Anyway I hope I can solve this mystery asap with helps from you !!!

Thanks in advance :D

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