I have spent entirely too long trying to find the formal scoring method for the Criminal Sentiments Scale and identification of which questions comprise which subscales. Does anyone have a document explaining this or know where I can get one?
Just saw the date on your initial question. If you still need help try the International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 48(2), 2004 161-174
just came across your post. If you are still looking for these details about the criminal sentiments scale, just let me know. Its too bad this info is not more readily accessible, . please reply to s.wormith@usask.ca
I looked for it on the Correctional Service of Canada website, and couldn't find it. Is the CSC the successor to the Ministry of Correctional Services, which is the listed publisher of the original Criminal Sentiments Scale? There's also a modified version, which I believe was first reported in Shields, I. W., & Simourd, D. J. (1991). Predicting predatory behavior in a population of young offenders. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 18, 180-194. It changed only the scoring. Dr. Wormith is kind to offer help, but I echo his sentiment that it's a shame that such scales are not themselves more widely available. A lot of journals don't publish appendices.