I am considering using Thermo GeneJET Maxiprep kit, it´s an obvious question of price. Anyone has use this before? and specially using the plasmid preparation to produce lentiviruses?
It is expensive to buy the Maxi prep kit. This kit utilizes silica-based membrane technology in the form of convenient spin column, which is same as most of the DNA miniprep kit with DNA minispin column. So, you just need to buy the bulk DNA maxi spin column and either use the solutions in the DNA miniprep kit or make you own solutions. Please email me for solution recipe ([email protected]). Here is the link for bulk DNA maxi spin column: $59 for 25 columns.
I have been using the maxiprep kit for HIV-1 proviral plasmids preparation. They worked pretty well. The yield is normally high(~0.5-1ug/uL*500uL for 200mL culture). After digestion, I did not see lots of genomic DNA.
The cheapest way to get your plasmid DNA prepped doesn't come from a commercial kit. Forget about the DIY kit option! Send us your plasmids as we can prep them for less than it takes you to do it. We typically obtain better results than you would with a kit in terms of DNA quantity and quality. See for yourself at https://www.biozilla.bio/plasmid-dna-purification