Hi all,

Recently we are trying to do telomere qFISH in human iPSC to see if the telomere become shorter after drug treatment. We used colcemid to arrest hiPSC in metaphase so we can easily see the telomere signal, however, the results are not so good.

Here's the protocol we used:

1. treat colcemid for 16hrs (100 ng/ml in medium) (also tried nocodazole but the results are the same)

2. trypsinize the hiPSC

3. treat hypotonic buffer for 15 min in 37 degree (75 mM KCL buffer)

4. fixation (MetOH: acetic acid = 3:1)

5. drop the cells from high to make cells burst

This protocol worked fine in other cell types but not hiPSC, we found that hiPSC always stuck together and make them difficult to burst, so I want to ask if anyone has a good protocol that worked in human iPSC?

Thank you very much for your reply.



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