At the very least, disinfection and sterilization will kill various types of bacteria and viruses, including useful ones. So lately, a certain change will happen.
This Pandemic has opened our eyes to respect mother nature and to not go overboard about anything. I definitely feel that after this pandemic dies down people will learn to be more hygienic in their day to day living
Not indeed, Lobby against Climate change is so strong that they will continue their work by spreading denial, against real effects of global warming on planet earth and all living beings; but yes we can plant trees, play our part in decreasing pollution and using energy resources that can cut emissions of all stuff causing harmful effects on climate
Although our major common concern is the eradication of this new virus, the abundant and excessive use of cleaning and disinfection products relatively simultaneously by the entire population of the planet, including disinfecting streets and public spaces with various chemicals which reach the sewage drains, definitely will bring some changes in all the environmental components (water, air, soil), specifically in environmental microbiota as well as implications on the humans microbiota.
The coronavirus is upending everything from aviation to the economy — and it's also having a big impact on the environment.
Some of those are positive — a big (albeit likely temporary) drop in CO2 emissions as factories shutter and the economy sputters — while others are negative — growing piles of possibly infected waste like tissues and old face masks and may be new strains of resistance bacteria because a huge amount of disinfectant used.
Yes, the approach is most likely to change after the saga. The COVID 19 is one of the most real hazards in the century. It has pushed all persons and leaders into some levels of panic for the safety of humans. The perception of people to sanitation, proper hygiene and general precautions will also improve. Similar hazards of biological origin would be phased out by default
My dear Laura, our attitudes towards environmental issues will not change if we didn't learn anything from this pandemic. The US has had everything going well for them all this years and has been dubbed the greatest nation on planet earth. I agree. But how could they have been careless to have allowed the virus to spread so much after the first death. Or is there something we don't know? This is not the US I used to know; always on top of things. Now COVID-19 is on top of them. Environmental health policies should change drastically. CoVID-19 pandemic: what lessons? This is my question to the world. What we do with the lessons is entirely up to us.
There is a significant difference. The epidemic is a real danger, and environmental issues are a symbolic area for many, but generally for majority are virtual and long-term.
The "environmental movement" includes a significant number of organizations and individuals that create only information noise, but do not do anything real. The reason is that participating in the environmental movement is fashionable and profitable, since there is significant funding.
The fight against the epidemic has not been funded yet, so only doctors in most countries are fighting this (I take off my hat to them). As soon as the epidemic will over (it will be end sooner or later) there will be many "antivirus" associations appears, grants will be distributed, conferences will be held, etc. Those, again, "all the vapour will go for the whistle" (Russian proverb, railway origin), as is in the case with environmental problems.
In my opinion, if we are talking about a direct impact then I would say 'No'. The dimensions that this pandemic will direct us towards are vaccine development, drug development, efficient screening equipment, hi-tech monitoring and personal protection equipment, internet of things (public monitoring), more online businesses, and robotic health care systems and may be on new immunization techniques. Because the advanced nations always try to find hi-tech solutions to problems. However, our bodies and and the diseases that affect us follow nature's rules and can be overcome by understanding more about nature.
The research areas should be:
* Novel immunization techniques.
* Making "good" virus from "Bad" through structural modification.
* Development of Drugs that modify virus cover structure (inhibit attachment).
* Or treatment of sick patients through antibodies from recovered patients.
* Or development of vaccines for target parts of the virus such as the spikes on the circular cover.
The approach to environmental issues could change indirectly, as we humans would start to acknowledge the nature that has made us, and that can bring us threats like COVID-19.
I hope that the world comes to a solution soon. May God bless us all.
Yes, it would change. Satellite images have shown significant emissions over the industrialised world as a result of global shut down. This demonstrates a large scale annual Earth Hour programme wherein countries are requested to switch off the lights for a few hours, as a means of reducing carbon emission.
Another lesson is the realisation that some people can actually work from home instead of incurring carbon emission through travels. Some courses. Students can really study online.
I think the main reason of corona virus appearance is our ignorance to the negative impact of environment for (air, water, food, Energy,..) , therefore I think after this pandemic every thing related to the environment will be changed.
Indeed, it is time to understand that studies of complexity and networks are not just isolated theories of reality, but can be incorporated into the deployment of development strategies taking into account the environmental aspect. Likewise, it is necessary to give more meaning to topics such as: bioprospecting, biosecurity, biostatistics, bioethics, biopolitics and bionanotechnology.
Given the number of viruses that appeared during the last 20 years, it would be stupid not to take the economic and health consequences of covid-19 into account in future decision-making processes
It depends on government policy to restarting the economy. Environmental regulations could be relaxed in order to stimulate economic growth. Alternatively this crisis could be seen as a signal from the biosphere that current human development patterns are unsustainable. This might lead to increased attention for alternative economic stimulus packages focused on green growth.
Perhaps, this period of reduced activities, of social isolation with fewer vehicles circulating, is already showing the pollution that is normally produced. Nothing will be as before.
I think the approach to environmental issues begins with individual attitudes. These attitudes are based on personal experiences. Based on the expansive effects of this pandemic worldwide, I believe some positive effect on the subject will be realized.
I think the natural world would be be impacted more - farmers may not be able to get into the fields, if people aren't maintaining nature reserves they will decline in quality.......
I think preoccupation with fighting the pandemic could move climate change down the all countries agendas. The outbreak could affect natural landscapes with nature reserves going unmaintained. It could give wildlife a "respite" and urged people to "engage with nature". Deadly effect of the virus could be a failure to deal with climate change and huge biodiversity loss.
This is a difficult and terrible time but we have to come out of it having learned lessons and changing our practices. one can ask themselves about how we do business and social interactions - do we need as many jets in the sky, many cars on the road, many ships on the ocean? We should not allow ourselves to be this vulnerable again.
Competition and coordination will be emerged well in future I see. Same time world major production house think environmental aspects before landing to the market.
In course curriculum, every institutes of countries will be attentive and add environment, virology, biology as a extra subjects specially for children's and in higher educational research as well.
To the best of our knowledge, make this human resource a final lesson in maintaining environmental and animal balance. Our world, already contaminated by the unselfish attitude of all life on earth and lack of co-operation to maintain the balance of nature and some of the self-importance of not preserving cleanliness.
Partially in some countries and among some individuals. If humans considers what Charles Darwin came to term 'survival for/of fittest', For rural areas in remote parts of many countries, humans have had a naturally induced opportunity to learn and understand the importance of personal hygiene and role of environment in disease diffusion. Therefore it may change their mind to view anything obnoxious in air as COVID-19 causative agent,, to a certain extent, lessen air pollution, including solid wastes and littering of used masks...In countries without existing protocol on disposal bio-hazardous wastes,, this is a learning time to do so thus a contribution to environmental management
My query is: What is the relationship between temperature and active/infection residence time of the virus in the air?
Human race is one of the greediest race on this planet. Other creatures will use what is essential for thier livelihood but human will over exploit the nature and that is reason that we have over the years destroyed the environmental balance existed for centuries.
Currently the Covid-19 has given us an opportunity to think and take corrective measures. There is a need for all countries to unite and protect the world.
However, the people have very short memory and as soon as lockdown is lifted they will be back to normal lifestyle and will not bother much abot the environmental issues.
As an Environmentalist, I may say YES. The approaches to environmental issues will change after this pandemic scenario and one of those concerns is relevant to the healthcare sector and the approaches towards the environmental design of commercial and industrial establishments. The ventilation requirement in the built environment has to revise to provide a healthy and sustainable living. And that will answer in my working article today for our CEAI VIEWPOINT JOURNAL June 2020 Edition that could help the industry.