This can be development holistically or in a specific area for children of any age.
From working in early years, I can identify music isn't very present in the curriculum and I think it should be! Just looking to gather some opinions from others :)
I have read research about how useful playing an instrument can be for brain development in children. Besides, lyrics can be useful in dealing with vocabulary and language practice in foreign language classes, helping with motivation and vocabulary in context.
Music is definetely important for the upbringing of people. That is why there should be concern about what music they listen to and how they approach it to learn more.
Изобразителното изкуство и музиката в най-ранна детска възраст спомагат за развитието на емоционална интелигентност на децата, за изграждане на емоционално-естетическо отношение към заобикалящия ги свят. В помощ на изобразителната дейност в детската градина се използват целенасочено различни дидактически игри, които включват музикални произведения.
Diversas investigaciones respaldan la afirmación de que la expresión musical tiene un impacto positivo estimulando el desarrollo cognitivo, social, emocional y físico. La participación activa en actividades musicales contribuye de manera significativa al fortalecimiento de las habilidades lingüísticas. Por tal razón, a la música se le puede considerar como una herramienta integral para el desarrollo holístico de los niños.
In my opinion, this question has not been asked correctly, therefore, it is not possible to give a correct answer, because according to the studies and experiments that have been done in these years, the effect of all music on the human brain has not been the same. In addition, because the human brain will have a different reaction in each stage of his life (from childhood to old age), as a result, all the mentioned parameters should be considered and then answered. So music can be both positive and negative or even ineffective.