7 Questions 5 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mahdiyeh Afshar Bakeshloo
which one is more important in architecture design, internal subjects or external subject ? For example, are feelings and what we see more important or events such as society, politics,...
26 March 2024 603 16 View
According to the book " the eyes of the skin” by Juhani Pallasmaa , which says that the architect is in the architectural work, the question arises for me, if a person lives in this architectural...
06 December 2023 597 2 View
I read in an article about virtual architectural environments and I was very eager to know where virtual architectural spaces can be built and used as galleries, classrooms, or work rooms,...
19 November 2023 1,382 2 View
With artificial progress, is there any need for designers and architects anymore? In your opinion, in which parts can artificial intelligence be replaced and in which part designers and...
12 November 2023 5,076 3 View
Name some architectural design methods that are based on creativity and unconsciousness. (eg collage, use of music, narration, etc.) If there is a book or article about each of them, please...
05 November 2023 1,216 1 View
Has there been an architectural work built in the world that is not limited to a specific time? Or has an article been written about this? What features should this architectural building have? Is...
01 November 2023 8,038 1 View
What issues are studied and researched in universities and architecture centers in America and Europe today? What are the topics of the articles about architecture today? For example, green...
27 October 2023 6,345 1 View