To all of my like minded colleagues:

Based on the fact that there has been a dearth of high level, peer reviewed study and research when it comes to lower extremity biomechanics over the past 2-3 decades, I am making the claim that all those practicing & researching this field must be suffering from Biomechanics Imposter Syndrome.

Personally, I feel this most when I am lecturing in front of hundreds of paying attendees at a conference interested in upgrading themselves in functional lower extremity biomechanics telling tell not to trust professional expert opinions as gospel when the best I can claim to have accomplished in my decades being called an international guru on the subject that I am no more than a professional expert myself.

Every time my peers posture (pun intended) away from the science and physics mandating that the foot is the primary functional organ of human stance & movement , they guarantee that at some moments in their lives, they sit alone knowing they suffer from BIS.

Is it time to stop "Waiting For The Evidence to Surface" that never will because of the archaic rules of evidence themselves and admit that biomechanics is both art & science and more one claims scientific mastery over it, the more he/she is on some level an imposter.

I suffer from BIS, Do You!

Dr Sha

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