I am performing a global survey for development indices. I am especially interested in indices that are estimated for states/provinces/cities. Any reference is very much welcome.
Hi Ely, I think we met many years ago at a HDCA conference!
I do not know which country you are focusing on and whether you refer only to official development/wellbeing/quality of life indicators. There are several indicators in Europe, even in Italy the National Institute of Statistics is currently working on the elaboration of a an indicator of Sustainable Equitable Wellbeing Index. With some colleagues in Italy we are trying to create a different indicator of wellbeing for Italy and its territorial units rooted in the capability approach. If you want to know more just write to me in private.
Actually we are performing a comprehensive survey of development composite indices... Any particular index can count... So thank for the indication of EDI and all other tip you have are vey much welcome! Tks!!
The HDI has provided leverage to individual countries to customize the index in their NHDR according to their national needs and priorities. Nepal HDR 2004 is one such example where I developed human empowerment index (HEI) to illustrate how HEI captures the poverty reducing opportunities and as well as social economic and political capability more than HDI. You may want to visit this link if you are interested in Nepal.