29 Questions 95 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from David Boansi
By the law of demand, increasing price of a commodity is (all things being equal) expected to dampen demand for that commodity. However, demand for Veblen and Giffen goods is in...
04 February 2015 2,947 11 View
Policy makers in West Africa are primarily bent on achieving food self-sufficiency through total substitution of imports with domestic production for key commodities (placing more emphasis on...
02 February 2015 194 8 View
I seek expert opinions on this issue
20 July 2014 4,133 4 View
I would like to know the basic difference(s) between productivity and efficiency in spite of their being used interchangeably in many published articles
18 June 2014 6,121 10 View
There is a saying that "the enemy of your enemy is your friend". Although this may hold some political truth, is it always the case in other areas?
03 April 2014 6,611 7 View
The word fairness has been used several times in ethical studies, but its meaning still remains blur. Which is actually prioritized by the concept of fairness: need, ability or effort?
23 March 2014 6,081 3 View
I want to know where the boundaries lie between these three terms.
20 March 2014 4,489 6 View
In as much as some countries use subsidies to revitalize production in their collapsing agricultural subsectors (with a purpose of not only increasing production but also enhancing incomes of...
20 March 2014 4,663 3 View
I want to know if there are any merits of climate extremes.
12 March 2014 1,413 6 View
Two schools of thought have shared their opinions on the best way to enhance welfare for the population of a given country. The Utilitarian argument primarily focuses on maximizing welfare through...
22 February 2014 9,718 3 View
Many developing countries are blessed with abundant agricultural and natural resources base, yet their respective economy is seen to deteriorate rather than grow. What could be some relevant...
21 January 2014 877 34 View
Are they developed to help explain likely relationships, or for mere organization and formation of boundaries around the inquiry?
20 January 2014 6,995 2 View
Human beings seem to have same organs and cells, ability to reason just like any other person and what have you..yet, when given a sheet of paper with piece of information, they seem to have quite...
08 December 2013 5,978 20 View
26 November 2013 1,447 6 View
I want to know which among the two "mean" or "median" appropriately reflects central value of a given sample/population.
22 November 2013 7,830 30 View
I would like to know where to identify the boundary between these two concepts.
18 November 2013 2,622 5 View
I would like to know if a boundary exists between food insecurity and nutrition insecurity, and if there exist such a boundary, how easy is it to identify that
14 November 2013 1,878 18 View
Most policy makers advocate the use of tariffs over quotas because they believe quotas are more trade restricting and have usually adverse implication on international trade and growth of the...
12 November 2013 6,339 3 View
I would like to know how far the production of biofuel has gone in relation to its implications on crop diversification and conservation of pedigree seeds.
12 November 2013 4,166 2 View
Good governance holds the attributes of transparency, efficiency, fairness participation, rule of law, accountability, and decency. Does the appropriate incorporation of these concepts in...
09 November 2013 4,968 23 View
In poverty studies, some group are referred to as marginalized people and others as deprived people. I humbly would like to know the boundary between marginalization and deprivation?
07 November 2013 7,148 18 View
Knowing of its connection to land degradation, accessing of markets, education, health, knowledge and human capital development, and income, among others, is it appropriate to say people are food...
06 November 2013 4,688 9 View
"Right of the poor to be fed" and "ability of the poor to feed themselves", which should be the priority for governments?
06 November 2013 4,149 3 View
I would like to know if it is always the case that subsidies on fertilizer prices under favorable weather condition lead to increased productivity of farmers' fields? If not, under which...
05 November 2013 709 2 View
I would like to know why some countries are developing faster than others, although they were equal in status (income, resources among others) in the early 1960s. Is this a reversal of fortune for...
04 November 2013 966 17 View
I want to know the difference between local and indigenous knowledge.
03 November 2013 2,377 9 View
I would like to know whether migration is bad for the originating countries/regions, or has some positive implications that are mostly ignored in socio-economic studies.
03 November 2013 1,270 21 View
I would like to know what alternatives there are to help meet future demands of the ever increasing world population without trading vital ecosystem services for other needs of the people.
03 November 2013 7,136 11 View
I am to assess the impacts of climate change on agricultural production and local markets in Ghana, Benin and Burkina Faso and through scenarios perform some simulations.
01 November 2013 8,689 4 View