Dear Researchers,
A colleague of mine is working on a structural model (using SmartPLS) that has 3 IVs and 2 DVs and one mediating variable. My question is:
1. Is it appropriate to add/sum the 3 IVs and 2 DVs and do a mediation analysis ? or,
2. Is it required to take one IV and one DV at a time and do the mediation analysis? In this case there will be 6 mediation models to test. But it would not test the entire model then. And individual mediation is no guarantee of collective mediation and vice-versa.
3. If mediating variable contains two dimensions (which has been operationally defined) then what is the statistical criteria of treating the sum of two variables as a mediating variable? Is it necessary that mediating variable should be unidimensional or single construct?
4. Is there any other best practice for this type of problem?
Sanjay Singh