58 Questions 355 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Witold Orlik
Hello researchers, I am going to implement social support in mediation model. However I can go for peers' related social support, teachers' related social support, or parental social...
03 March 2018 1,512 6 View
Hello scientific world, I just simply wonder if 8 to 10 mediators that I found as important for my model is just not too much? One idea that comes to my mind is that I could reduce this number...
03 March 2018 6,695 3 View
Dear Researchgate users, Here it goes a dilemma. I have a mediation model - with 3 mediators. Only one of them turned out to be significant. Now I would like to apply moderators - and here is...
03 March 2018 6,208 2 View
Could someone please help me to find out how to transfer a .dta file onto Mplus? I know that there is stata2mplus command just do not know how to get Stata extension for Stata se13 (64 bit) to...
03 March 2018 1,316 6 View
Hello researchers, I am looking for articles on language (speech, vocabulary, and so on) and social development of children and adolescents. Especially I would be interested in materials that...
03 March 2018 2,521 4 View
Hello scientific world, I am looking for this in PDF, have some issues with uni library off campus system and cannot get it.... Piaget, J. (1964). Part I: Cognitive development in children:...
03 March 2018 4,850 7 View
Hello Researchgate keepers, I have a path model Predictor: one latent variable Mediators: two or three variables Outcomes: two continuous variables pertaining to attainment at two separate time...
02 February 2018 4,307 0 View
Hello there, Can you explain the difference please stated in the title above? Examples in real-life context are most welcome Thank you very much Witold
02 February 2018 2,282 10 View
Hello researchers, I have two continuous mediators (predictors) and the continuous outcome variable. I need to conduct interaction term for those two predictors to see for example if higher...
02 February 2018 5,792 4 View
Hello Researchgate keepers, Any easy to approach references, examples on cross-lagged analysis and if mediation could be an example this would be great. Thank you Witold
02 February 2018 800 0 View
Hello, Is this fair to report 95% confidence intervals in frequentist approach when we have doubts about representativeness of the sample, etc? Using other words... having just one analysis how...
02 February 2018 5,373 11 View
I was running mediation models and no surprise that coefficoients dfiffer... and majority of significance values are the same.... However, when I looked at indirect effects significance value...
01 January 2018 9,572 4 View
Example from my analysis: A and B (main predictors) predicting C (mediator) and C predicting D (outcome variable). Example 1 : Analysis without bootstrapping: Direct effects: A - D =...
12 December 2017 5,173 6 View
When both predictors are applied in the model with one outcome variable, they are both non-significant. However, when I apply them on one to one basis, they both are significant. Is it not...
12 December 2017 1,194 9 View
In the STDYX Standardization section of Mplus output, some coefficients are above 1. I thought as they are standardised they should be betwwen -1 to +1. (e.g. I have some of above 3 or -3). Why is...
11 November 2017 7,979 3 View
I ran SEM model in Mplus and initially, I did not use any latent variables defined with command BY. CFI and TLI was 1.000 and X² and RMSEA of 0.000. However when I replaced one of the predictors...
11 November 2017 6,034 7 View
Hello, I ran latent profile analysis on mplus. Now I would like to add two covariates - gender and socioeconomic status. I have couple of questions: - Can I just regress latent variable (c) on...
09 September 2017 6,128 8 View
When reporting from the Mplus output number of participants assigned to classes are we referring to? 1. FINAL CLASS COUNTS AND PROPORTIONS FOR THE LATENT CLASSESBASED ON THE ESTIMATED MODEL 2....
09 September 2017 1,192 3 View
Hello I need to write paragraph on LCA, on its properties (e.g. probabilities, identification of classes, assigning participants to classes, etc.) There are loads of examples/papers on...
02 February 2017 713 4 View
I am looking for up to date APA guidance with clear examples on how to present tables, figures, and statistics in text, e.g. t, df, SD, M, OR etc. Thank you for your help
02 February 2017 7,330 3 View
I am aware that both pairwise and listwise deletion methods are characterised by limitations. However is there any article that would suggest the use of pairwise as a superior to listwise...
02 February 2017 10,092 0 View
What are the benefits of estimation of the psychological profile of immigrants living for some time in a host country?
08 August 2016 3,520 2 View
I am looking for references on benefits of employment preferably PREVIOUS employment, if not, then long term or current employment - perhaps some associations with quality of life, perceptions of...
06 June 2016 2,320 3 View
In other words what are the pros of typology? In what ways typologies may be used so groups which they pertain to may benefit from classifications? Thank you.
05 May 2016 5,971 0 View
I would like to replace numbers with names of variables. Did that a year ago and forgot... Thank you for helping me out.
05 May 2016 1,445 0 View
Initially i found that intercept and slope are not providing a good description of the model as variations around them are statistically significant. So I added covariates to my model (age and...
03 March 2016 3,057 4 View
What are the thresholds for acceptable and excellent values regarding WRMR? How does it differ from other popularly used fit indices? Thank you
03 March 2016 8,275 3 View
For the Republic of Ireland I used national census 2011 but even there there is no mean of age for Poles and only a very imprecise chart regarding education qualifications without any exact...
03 March 2016 7,918 2 View
Could anyone please describe this issue in a relatively approachable way? Thank you
02 February 2016 10,078 1 View
Hi there, I need to included a figure in my research and it consists of latent and observed constructs, lot of arrows, etc. thank you.
01 January 2016 3,428 10 View
I have run a model on Mplus and several direct effects were suggested in modindices to improve my model fit. However, even the baseline model (with no modifications implemented) has good fit...
01 January 2016 9,559 0 View
Let's say I have found a significant effect of X(predictor) on Y(outcome). However regression coefficient is .25 for standardised scores. We are often 'happy' to see significant effects, but is...
01 January 2016 2,084 10 View
Sometimes the interpretation of results is not as straightforward as p value at .05 level. Sometimes it is a combination of statistical arguments one have to make to defend her/his point of...
01 January 2016 3,417 4 View
There is a picture in front of me of latent growth model example. Latent variables estimated by the calculations are Intercept and Linear Slope. That is fine. However, they are calculated based on...
01 January 2016 9,471 6 View
How can one explain negative variance? Why and when is it happening? Thank you
01 January 2016 3,364 14 View
I am interested in finding out opinions on superiority of Mplus over Stata or vice versa from those users who worked using both software packages. Thank you.
12 December 2015 3,521 0 View
I see these "names" in Mplus output, just not sure what they exactly mean practically, please define them as easy as you can. I have a part of the output including modification indices and there...
12 December 2015 5,872 3 View
I have one bigger data set on SPSS. Men coded as 0 and women as 1. Just need to create two data sets where men will be in one and women in the other. Thank you for answers
12 December 2015 6,357 0 View
I was testing several factor models using CFA and used WLSMV estimator for categorical indicators. I have established a model that provided the best description for the data. Now I am trying to...
12 December 2015 1,280 3 View
What could be the possible reasons for significant differences in terms of standardized factor loadings and items' intercepts between males and females while running measurement invariance analysis?
11 November 2015 2,547 3 View
Does anybody know what are the pros and cons of using either STATA or Mplus for SEM analysis? Thank you
11 November 2015 2,688 7 View
While reading some of the articles I have just noticed that one of the authors in methodology used such expression. Please clarify. Thank you
11 November 2015 982 4 View
Logits are interpreted with coefficients. What are the examples of their application? Thank you
11 November 2015 9,129 0 View
Stepwise and hierarchical regression how would you explain in simple way the differences for students? Thank you
11 November 2015 8,768 7 View
If you are not able to provide very vivid examples, there may be those when apparently "obvious" interpretation has been somewhat misleading. Thanks everybody for answers
10 October 2015 1,666 6 View
On SPSS I added number of items and created two totals, e.g. A and B. Correlation between them was .700. When I used the same items and used for latent factors (A and B again) in Mplus (using...
10 October 2015 3,588 5 View
I often have this impression that publishing is often more about "scoring points" than anything else. What could we do as a community to get through and make it more applicable in reality, so...
10 October 2015 9,254 2 View
Hello there, I am just trying to decide upon the model doing multigroup analysis. I ran regression analysis for males and females separately and obtained "similarly looking" coefficients (all...
10 October 2015 2,141 9 View
I was running some exercises on CFA using Mplus and tested two 2 factor models. The only difference was that i was supposed to treat variables used as continuous in one example and as categorical...
10 October 2015 1,655 5 View
I do like both SPSS and Mplus, however these are only two statistical "tools" I am familiar with. Please share your experience about those two and other software you feel comfortable with. Thank...
09 September 2015 8,569 0 View
In multiple regression on SPSS or Mplus I have two predictors 1. Years in education 2. Years of working experience Based on those two I am predicting annual income. I have two coefficients for...
09 September 2015 5,543 8 View
Are standard errors equivalent or somehow comparable to the increase in standard deviations? Using other words do standard errors play the same role in terms of regression coefficients as standard...
09 September 2015 3,901 3 View
In Mplus output I have following information: V1 ON V2 unstandardised coefficient -0.022 , p < .001 R squared = 0.043 residual variance estimate = 1.184 - how to interpret the last bit? Does it...
09 September 2015 421 3 View
That is a question that some students are asking during the undergrad course. Thank you.
09 September 2015 6,540 15 View
DASS includes three subscales on depression, anxiety, and stress.
08 August 2015 3,206 3 View
So on what basis are expected values calculated by SPSS? Are they statistically meaningful?
08 August 2015 2,842 4 View
I found a nice video on youtube on logisitc regression with continuous predictors (glad to share if anyone wants). However, I am looking for something with the inclusion of categorical rather than...
08 August 2015 1,366 0 View
RECODE var1 var2 var3 var4 var5 (SYSMIS=999) (ELSE=COPY). EXECUTE. This is perfect for a small number of variables but it would take me a long time to inspect the data... (over 200 variables and...
07 July 2015 3,691 13 View