For every human beings life is our action so to say our mission & for this our life remains for us a separate entity for transforming of our life for our career,professional for our family with our children .
With this due to our education,career program our life remains an opportunity for us to contemplate for our thinking phase for which our mind gets a food for the thought which help us to direct our action for receiving the desire result .In our present age the world has become smaller which helps us to work in new environment for the scientific development helping us to know the culture of the different countries & religion .
With this our mind receive a new idea & for the process of our own development & with the result that our computer ,internet , & cell phone keep us for all the desire ready made data which made keep our program is of Intellectual , informative , development for the society it may remain our data as encyclopedia .
To my view can we think of that today '' Researchers need more computing power and more efficient ways to move their data around. Hard drives, often sent via postal mail, are still often the easiest solution to transporting data, and some argue that it’s cheaper to store biological samples than to sequence them and store the resulting data. Though the cost of sequencing technology has fallen fast enough for individual labs to own their own machines, the concomitant price of processing power and storage has not followed suit. “The cost of computing is threatening to become a limiting factor in biological research,”
I think the question has wide scope. It is not limited to one area. The life sciences are becoming a bid data enterprise. It can be understood in different ways and also can be answered in different ways. But the data which can be obtained through life sciences may be treated as reliable, authentic and appropriate data. It can be analyzed using different approaches like optimization, computational, software methods etc. And a wise question with declarative scope in wide areas.