Hello all!
I have completed a test yeast expression for 5 different proteins, and I have taken a sample of the culture at 0, 24, 48 and 72 hours. 3 of my yeast cultures seemingly expressed a protein (through SDS-PAGE analysis of the the supernatent from each sample), through the appearence of a protein band over the 4 time points. However, the protein bands all appear at almost the exact same size (Approximately 11 - 12kDa), even though they are all different sizes, 8kDa, 11kDa and 18kDa.
My inital thought was that I cross comtaminated some of my cultures, and they are expressing the same protein...however,
1. they each have a different expression pattern and intensity,
2. I completed tranformation and growth in the same way for each, so why did the two cultures not express anything?
3. I completed an additional transformation for one of my colleagues proteins at the same time, and their protein appears at the expected size (around 14-15 kDa), so my technique was not incorrect.
I am currently completing a western blot, probing for the 6x his tag. However, I was wondering if anyone has any thoughts on why 3 of my 'expressed' proteins are appearing as the same molecular weight, what is the most likely explanation of this?
Thank you!