If you open this web page " Daily CO2/ www.co2.earth › daily-co2" still its above 400 ppm.. Its really confusing-whether there was a decrease at global scale?
C02 lifespan is not a day. Neither is it a year. I think the lockdown will not have any effect for now, globally. Maybe, in years to come, we would see a reduction. That is if something else would not offset it later.
The effect so far is minimal as most countries have partial lockdown and the reduced carbon dioxide levels were only short lived and some countries are also opening up
The long term global measure is here: https://www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/ccgg/trends/
The last update was for May, and was posted June 6th.
There is a cycle within each year, so you can't look at only the within year trend -- you have to examine the cross year chart to see that there is a similar cycle in each year.
I am sure there is no increase in the CO2 level. It will stay at its current concentration, but there is no large-scale removal of this gas, therefore, it is difficult to imagine it will go down below 400 ppm.
Government policies during the COVID-19 pandemic have drastically altered patterns of energy demand around the world. Many international borders were closed and populations were confined to their homes, which reduced transport and changed consumption patterns.
Here I compile few of the literature for your reference:
Article Impact of COVID-19 outbreak measures of lockdown on the Ital...