The Russo-Ukraine war has been going on for more than a year. The question is whether Russia was able to achieve its political and strategic objective?
Russia has not had enough national power to succeed over Western-backed Ukraine. There are wide gaps between Russian leaders' ambition and national strengths. While Russia has been pretending to be a great power, it is lagging economically, technologically, and industrial means. In these aspects, Russia is a secondary power compared with the U.S., EU, Japan, China and India.
Russia also failed to get support from the world except for a few countries. On the contrary, most of the world's richest, strong, and most developed countries have been supporting Ukraine. If they continue supporting Ukraine, Russia has no chance to get its strategic goal, but possibly this war may bring severe consequences for Russia itself.
From the 13th century on, Muscovy's goal was to seize territories and then turn new subjects into loyal slaves of the empire. At different times this empire had different names. In recent years, it has been called the Russian Federation.
The goal of the last war was and is the capture of the entire territory of Ukraine and the transformation of the inhabitants of Ukraine (who remained there after the murders by the Russians) into obedient slaves of the empire. This goal has not been achieved.
No. Russia has not achieved its political or strategic objectives. One of the most interesting aspects of the conflict is that Russia has tipped its hand with respect to military capability. Russia's inability to sustain its forces through the fight, even in the first weeks of the war, revealed significant shortcomings in military leadership and national capability. They have shown themselves to be a 2nd rate military. They have not established air superiority nor the ability to conduct combined arms war and current reports show an unwillingness on the part of their mobilized forces to fight. I don't see an upside for Russia.