I have been getting great helps from people researchgate.
Today I want to ask about markers of HUVECs
I isolate HUVECs from umbilical cord and use those cells
for my research in angiogenesis.
I analyze expression of Vegfr1 and Vegfr3 to check what I am working with
are really HUVECs, considering that HUVECs belong to endothelial cells.
(I learn that vegfr1 and vegfr3 are specific markers for endothelial cells.)
But I learn that major marker of HUVECs is vegfr2 rather than vegfr1 and vegfr3. Therefore, i wonder whether analyzing expression of vegfr1 and vegfr3
is rational method to determine that cells I am working with are HUVECs.
In the past, I thought that any markers found to be endothelial markers can be
used for my confirmation described above, but lately i learned that different types of endothelial cells differ in gene expression pattern.
I want to know others' opinion on my work above.
Thank you and hope for great achivements in your research!