12 December 2016 2 6K Report

hi everyone,

i hope to get some expert advise/opinion on this matter. Im a phd student tasked to come up with my own project and i have been reading a lot of papers. I am interested to  know how mechanical stretching of cancer cells cause changes in gene expression (RNA-seq) and study if stretching is enhancing or suppressing tumors. 

When i read papers, most of it states that tumor cells are exposed to compression(squeezing) stress rather than stretching kind of stress. EXCEPT for one paper that suggest cells in tumor periphery actually undergo stretching.

''A schematic of the profile of solid stress in tumors and the resulting deformation of the tissue is shown in Fig. 5A. In the interior, the tumor is compressed, which could collapse blood vessels (14), while at the interface with the normal tissue the tumor is compressed in the radial direction and stretched in the circumferential. '' - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23633490

First and foremost, i would like to double check if indeed i have interpreted this correctly. Second, if this is correct, how do i design my experimental procedures. I only have an apparatus that stretches the substrate surface and in doing so also stretches the cells attached to the substrate. If there are no papers detailing the units/extent of stretching force these cells at periphery is exposed to, how do i gauge how much stretch to input on these cells.? i am worried i might get criticized during my thesis defence 4 years down the road.

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