I am a part time PhD student conducting a case study following Yin's methodology. I am grappling with defining the case and the units of analysis and could do with some help.

I am a nurse and am looking at a process, "How care home residents transition to and from the emergency department".

I am using multiple qualitative methods to collect data. Non-participant observations in care homes, ambulances and emergency departments. Interviews with staff, residents and relatives and, documentary analysis.

Three main propositions were derived from the literature: communication, resident and relative involvement and staff attitudes and skillsets. Each of these propositions are broken down into specific elements. Communication, for example, includes verbal handovers between staff. Which can be reduced to finer detail such as content, body language and use of humour.

I am collecting data and need to define the case and units of analysis before I commence data analysis. Following a recent debate with my supervisors this is my current position:

Case - the process of care home residents transition to and from the emergency department.

Units of observation - the actors in the non-participant observations, interviews and documents.

Units of analysis - the smallest units derived from the theoretical propositions, content, verbal and non-verbal communication in a handover/handoff, for example. Further units may emerge as the data is analysed.

I would be grateful for any views on my current thinking, please.


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