I used R-package (lavvan, semPlot) to create CFA on ecosystem services. I alreday already created the figure. My concern is the figures are not readable. And i would like to increase the font size, and mark in bold. So what shall i do to solve those issues?

The following script, which i used to solve my challengs,challenge, but i could not. May you show me the way out?

semPaths(semfit, "std", nCharNodes = 10, edge.label.cex=1.0, color = list(lat = rgb(245, 253, 118, maxColorValue = 255), man = rgb(155, 253, 175, maxColorValue = 255)),mar = c(10, 5, 10, 5))

semPaths(semfit, color = list(lat = rgb(245, 253, 118, maxColorValue = 255), man = rgb(155, 253, 175, maxColorValue = 255)),mar = c(10, 5, 10, 5)).


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