I currently do multiplex immunostaining on mouse small intestine swissroll sections. We apply the protocol described by Adrien et Guillot al (Article Deciphering the Immune Microenvironment on A Single Archival...
). Images are acquired on different days and the alignment of images is done via DAPI channel. We encounter the problem that DAPI staining is either fading with each antibody stripping round (although we restain for it), or that the nucleus itself is not stable anymore and desintegrating (please find attached an image). This problem is only seen with us and adjacent research groups in the university. the protocol works perfectly for other universities/clinics. We tried to compare what is different in terms of reagents, fixation time, dapi, slides etc, it seems everything is similar between us and others! anyone has an idea what the problem could be? without a stable DAPI staining we unfortunately cannot do multiplex on our samples.Worth to note that we use a histology facility that process our sampels (and adjacent research groups) and do the alcohol dehydration paraffin embedding steps for us. We suspect that it could be that the processing time is too long and the tissue is loosing its integrity. We will try a shorter processing time soon. Thank you for your help and input.