Hi, I have an inventory designed for USA . I want to use it for immigrants in UK. Should I have to validate it for each of subgroups like for Indians, Chinese , Thai and etc of my selected population?
It is probably a good idea, particularly if the inventory was or will be translated into different languages. You want to make sure the translated versions measure the same construct(s) in different cultures and that they show measurement equivalence (measurement invariance). Measurement equivalence/invariance is especially important if your goal is to make cross-cultural comparisons.
Hello Sameera Ranasinghe, Christian Geiser's answer is very important. However, there is another issue, being time and cost. In developing countries etc, they may be happy with a more haphazard result, not as accurate but just to get the job done quickly & show interest & have some interim results. Otherwise, if you do as your question suggests, it will be a cumbersome process, more time & cost which some countries may not be able to contribute to in terms of funding it. You can read my article on motorcycles and helmet safety. It was pretty rough, but I just wanted to write something to assist. A much more elaborate validated survey on opinions while preferable, is time & effort. There are advantages for being comprehensive and advantages in not being so much so but getting it done more quickly with minimal cost/ effort. The point above though is very valid.