Hi, I am analyzing the data of this questionnaire (link below). Most of dependent variables are dichotomous/binary and independent variables are ordinal (educational level), scale (age) and binary (gender).

I know I could use a logistic regression, for example to predict the effect of independent variable on a binary response variable like "I use a tablet computer".

But I would like to create a model of latent variables (so first I need some factors), created from dependent variables, that would show something similar as a Structural equation model. For example that latent variables created from items like different internet usage, different skills and different options of internet availability (exogenous) explain about xx percent of the variance of the latent variable created from items describing e-government use (endogenous).

But maybe I am mixing apples and oranges :-)

Thank you for any suggestions

(I use SPSS and AMOS, also heard about the FACTOR software)


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